Dance Programs
Our dance programs are designed to provide an exciting variety to all interested – the young, the recreational and the serious dancer. Our programs include:

Children's Dance
Twinkle Toes (Age 2)
Dance will allow your child to build motor skills, grace, and confidence.
Move & Groove (Age 3-4)
Intro (Age 3)
PBT - Pre-Ballet & Tap (Age 4-5 Preschool)
Primary (Age 5-7 Grades K & 1)

Dance Troupe
Elementary Troupe (Grades 2-5)
Thursday Only
- Contemporary 4:00 to 4:45
- Ballet 4:45 to 5:30
- Tap 5:30 to 6:15
- Jazz 6:15 to 7:00
- Acro/Musical Theater 7:00 to 7:45
Junior Troupe (Grades 6-8)
Senior Troupe (Grades 9-12)
For all Troupe Programs dancers may sign up for whichever classes they choose.

Hip Hop
Little Tykes 1 (Age 4-5 Preschool)
- Wednesdays only
Little Tykes 2 (Age 5-7 K – 1st grade)
Elementary (Grades 2-5)
Junior (Grades 6-8)
Senior (Grades 9-12)

This program is for grades 3 and up, beginner through advanced. No experience in dance or gymnastics is necessary for the beginner class. Children will gain strength, flexibility, and learn tumbling skills with proper technique in a safe and fun environment! Great for kids who want to try tumbling for the first time or as a supplemental/additional class for experienced kids looking to sharpen and improve their skills.
Tiny Tumblers
Intensive Program (By Audition Only) & Private Lessons
Please contact for more information.
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